Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wednesday Post (a little late)

Ok, so last night was really awesome. We got to do community meal with the church and other people who live out here. But for this thing that I am going to tell you, I have to give you prior knowledge. On the third night we were here we had taco chili. A bunch of the other students didn’t like it (I did) and we had a lot left over, so I ran over to Stefan and asked if we could give the left-over food (the chili and spegetti from the nite before)to people in the city who needed it. Stefan didn’t know if we could, but last night during community meal he pulled me aside and told me that if I really wanted to do that, that I should do it then and that it was ok. So we went over to Chad the pastor and asked him what families were in need of something like that. He told us and went over to the lady that he mentioned and asked her if she would want to take it. She said yes and I was so excited that we were able to do that and take care of them. Also after community meal we got to change up how open gym was. They usually have it on the third floor gym, but we decided to take a ball and run across the street to play kickball. It was so fun. One of the little kids that we are working with at VBS went with was as well as other teenagers from here. The little kids name is Omar. He was so good at it. I just loved to see him play and how much fun he was having. I kind of feel bad for his mom though because he got covered head to toe in dirt. Also some other toddlers were running around the park and ran over to the field and started to play with us. There mom looked really happy because of that. Later we went back to the church to get a Frisbee so that us in the group could play (extreme Frisbee was kind of our game this whole trip). It was great. I love being here and doing the things that we are doing. I could say so much more but someone else needs to get on, so bye.

WOW! Yesterday was quite the day! We had some awesome breakfast and did morning devotions, which I was in charge of. I think they went really well! People seemed to get something out of it! Then we went outside to help rearrange the playground, we pulled weeds, shoveled wood chips, and so much more. Then at noon we went inside for lunch and got ready for VBS. VBS went really well yesterday, all the kids were pumped and loved the singing, dancing, and the lessons! Granted some of our kids wouldn’t stay still or be quite, but that’s part of the fun! Later on we went to the open gym and some of the kids came to the park to play kick-ball with us! It was so fun! Omar was so cute, we let him get like 4 home runs! (he’s one of the kids) then we came back to the church for about an hour before going out to play ultimate Frisbee! It was SO much fun! I got knocked on the ground like twice, and kicked in the hand. And yet it was REALLY quite a blast! After Ultimate we came inside and did devotion, Kevin W was in charge of them last night. He did a really good job! After which Stefan took over, we sang a few songs, then the emotional part of the night jumped right in. Stefan talked about his grade school and high school years, I was bawling! Then he had us write our secrets to God and had Amber read them allowed anonymously. Everyone was off kilter after that. We ended around 1am this morning and then some of us crashed! It was a great day! Praise God!
~Miss Deanna!

Okay, so yesterday was a fun and exciting day! We woke up, ate some cereal, and then we got our first task to do for the day. We helped out the church by taking care of some things on their landscape. Then a little bit after we ate lunch, and then came VBS. My group for VBS was always small with about 3 kids in it, but yesterday we had seven, which was really exciting! All of the kids in VBS got so into the songs and with the chariot races we had (which my group dominated in, ha) and it was so awesome just to see them all have fun and smiling. After VBS the church had a free dinner that they hold for the community every Wednesday, so we got to interact with all the people in the community and just have fun. Later on we played some pretty intense kickball and ultimate Frisbee which was really fun. But at the end of the day we did devotionals led by Kevin W. which was awesome, and then Steffan took over and we had worship. It was amazing that, even though we were all so tired, everyone gave their all to God which he deserves. It was an overall great day!

1 comment:

  1. i miss all of those kids... i want to go back

