Monday, July 27, 2009

Post VBS

Hello, world. So today was very great. We started VBS and about 20 kids showed up! I had 3 kids in my group-family thingy and I loved them all. Of course others didn’t have it that great… but I sure enjoyed all my kids. Heh heh. At first one of them didn’t want to do ANYTHING and he was really shy, but by the end he was talkative and sweet and really adorable. I don’t think we’ll be able to get these songs out of our heads. Ever. For crafts they made these scratch-off fish thingies. They really liked those… of course I may have enjoyed those a little more then the kids… hehehe. Cassie is telling me to say how perfect her and Luke’s family was. Mine was better  (in my opinion.) My hand hurts pretty bad (it’s broken) and I have to crawl through a box-tunnel to get to the cave where the secret church meets. SO THAT’S NOT GOOD AT ALL! So if you all could pray for it to feel a wee bit better tomorrow that would be much appreciated. WHOA there’s a dance party going on, so I’m going to leave you with these words.
More like word… but….

Hey there. Today has been pretty fun so far. At the beginning, I was kind of tired and irritable. However, when the children came for VBS all my spirits were lifted when they smiled. It’s odd how in a couple of hours one can become sort of attached to children. It was sort of strange; I felt sad when they were leaving. Dinner just HAD to be done. Dinner was good though! Kevin W. knows how to make spaghetti. Yum. My VBS group, Cassius was our name, was actually incredibly well behaved. Two children didn’t really want to be involved, but it seemed at the end of the VBS day they were much more interested. I think part of the sudden involvement was due to the fact that we had game first. The students were REALLY enjoying the “cave.” They also seemed to enjoy sneaking around as if guards were looking for us. Fun times. Bye for now.

So VBS was more fun than I thought it was going to be today! I had an awesome group of kids that were so cute. Usually I do not like kids that much but God showed me that I can do anything with him!!!!! We got to do sweet fish crafts with the kids, play games, and learn about Paul and the Underground Church. We also got family time with our kids so we could closer with them and help them to understand the lesson better. Even though I am running on four and a half hours sleep I still feel energized and ready to go. I can most definitely feel God at work on my heart thanks to every ones supportive prayers. Please keep praying for strength, energy, and patience for us=]]]
~Love Jenni

1 comment:

  1. It's great to hear how all the kids are warming up to all of you. Sounds like your helping them to feel comfortable. What a blessing that is. Each day you will probably fall more in love with them. I know that love comes from God and it sure does feel wonderful. Keep up your amazing attitudes!!
    Your in my thoughts and prayers.
