Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tuesday Evening

After VBS today we hung out and went to Starbucks and Borders! Stephan had this really cool thing we all did at borders. He had books that he had picked out for all of us because he thought that we'd love them...my book was / is called Messy Spirituality. we couldnt find that one, but i'm totally looking it up when i get home! So instead i read this other book, the name i forget. but it was completely what Stephan said it would be, it was a really cool thing that he could pick out books to fit our personalities and where we are at so well!! After Borders we returned to the church, some of us went to the park across the street to play frisbee golf, where as others stayed back to chat and pray. Me personally prayed with Carolyn and then had a long activity with Ture until 11:30. everyone else returned to the church early. This missions trip is really opening my eyes to a lot! I'm so glad at how strongly God is working in my life right now! Praise God for the VBS too! So many kids loved it more so today...and little Ebony gave me a hug as she left! it was cute!! Today has been such an adventure, as has the whole missions trip so far! Tonight was great!
~Miss Deanna~

I really enjoyed Stephan's activity at Borders! He assigned us each a book that he thought we would enjoy, and my book was, If You Want to Walk on Water, You Have to Get out of the Boat. I thought that it was interesting that Stephan actually hadn't read the book, Amber just told him she liked it. When I read a little of the first chapter, it seemed like the perfect book for me. I was thinking, "I feel like God wanted me to read this book." It was really awesome. Then we ended our evening with a nice devotional time, this all gave me a lot to think about and reflect on. It just feels good to be so focused on God and how he wants me to live my life for him!

Today for me has been nothing short of amazing. From prayer walks to teaching VBS to reading devotionals and talking with the group, I definitely see God working in more ways than I have ever imagined, in my heart and in the hearts of others in the group. It is absolutely wonderful just to be in God's presence and to learn so much about his heart for all people. I am so excited to continue to carry out God's work and follow his will for us. I cannot wait to see what he has in store!
~Nicole Fish~

1 comment:

  1. Nicole and Karly,
    I'm excited to see and read that you guys are having a great experiece!!!
