Thursday, July 22, 2010

Evening of 7/20/10

            YES, LORD! That’s a line from one of the songs we have sung at VBS, and I think it really says a lot about the attitude on this trip. Everybody has been working so hard, and the fact that it is all for the Lord makes it so much more worthwhile. We did a lot of yard work today, and it was the perfect day for it. Before lunch we weeded and trimmed. We filled 10 or more huge heavy duty bags full of weeds and trimmings (but mostly weeds). After that was VBS. I had so much fun with the kids today during craft time (I’m one of the craft ladies). We made sculptures of things in the Joseph story out of sand clay that Amber skillfully made. We asked the younger kids what sounds different animals made during some down time and had the older kids walk like Egyptians. There is a little boy named Christain, and we couldn’t figure out why he didn’t quite seem to understand us. Eventually we discovered that he speaks Spanish. He is the sweetest little boy, and I really wish that I could speak more Spanish than I do. Luckily, Noelle Bruce and Nicole Fish are amazing Spanish speakers. Afterwards we had dinner and my group (group 4) had clean up duty. Stefan and I finished up the last few dishes, and I can safely say that it was the most fun I have ever had doing dishes. Although, I will never do it again :P. Once dinner was finished everyone pitched in and we spread about three layers of mulch on every single flower bed. It was fun, but very messy work. It actually started to rain while we were working, which helped clean off some of the mulch dust and dirt. Since we were all extremely dirty, there was a mad rush to the few showers. The girls actually get 20 minutes in the boy’s showers because there are 2 of those, and only one girls’. After that we went to Starbucks! I’m generally not a coffee drinker, but I decided to get some anyways J. We either drank our coffee at Starbucks or took it across the street to Borders. I, being the book lover that I am, took mine to Borders. We immediately went to the religion section, and seriously took over. Everyone was looking at some awesome books and I really wanted to buy one, until I learned that over half of the books Heather already owned. Thus, The Library of Heather was born. We came back and played ultimate Frisbee, except that Nicole and I sat out. We had the most amazing conversation about faith and God. Thanks to her, I feel that something really clicked in me. I was praying and I really felt it deep in my heart, and it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Thank you God, for giving me Nicole!
            Otherwise, this trip is absolutely FANTASTIC! I in no way regret coming, and it has held so much meaning for me. I really hope that everyone else gets the chance to experience something like I did.
            -Hannah Wills!

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